"After an unpleasant experience in Athens in 2004, Roger Federer says he may decide not to stay with the other athletes in the Olympic Village in Beijing this August. In Federer's defense, he's can be a total wreck if he sleeps on sheets that aren't pure Egyptian cotton."
Does that strike anyone else as rude? Snarky at a minimum.
Thankfully it gets better. They give him #5 on the list of 5 Best Shots. "5. Roger Federer's Forehand - His racquet-head sped and variety of options make this the biggest weapon today." Everyone else on the list is retired so that works.
He also made the Top 5 Best Dressed list. "5. Roger Federer - No matter what your opinion of his tuxedo shorts [HOT] or Wimbledon jacket [HOTTER], Federer is one male player willing to try something new." The only other man who made the list was Bjorn Borg.
Then they spent pages analyzing his forehand. They call it the Modern Classic. That's right!
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